Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Scowl

What's that on Kobe's face?

The latest Simmons podcast included a discussion on Kobe and his crazy-competitive, forced face which made its debut in this year's playoffs. I have a few thoughts on this.

First, so long as you don't have a massive under bite, it's hard to maintain. I tried to make the above face in the mirror in an effort to look like I was doing everything in my power to win an NBA Championship. It turns out that sustaining that pose was harder than I thought and it looked completely ridiculous. This is why I think the scowl was a spontaneous thing, he couldn't have practiced in front of the mirror. It's not all bad, though. The face may help perform a post-flight inner-ear decompression.

Second, if this happens to be the "I'm not going to lose" face, then why didn't he use it last year?

Third, I couldn't help but think of the little snarl dog - not intimidating at all.

Instead of doing the scowl, I think he should imitate these on-court antics:

Gang-sign flashing

The "I'm not with Sasha" pose

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